2020 Holiday Trail Of Lights


The Fourth Annual Holiday Trail Of Lights at Brownwood’s Historic Greenleaf Cemetery takes place this year on December 18, 19, 20 & 21 from 6 to 8pm.
(ENTER only @ Hwy. 377 S. Gate @ Sterling Monument and EXIT only @ Old Center Street Gate.)

No Entry Fee but donations are welcomed and appreciated!

Note: Please mark your calendars and share this post!

Sponsors & Community Partners:

KOHLER, Landmark Life, Brownwood Municipal Development District, Dale Nix/Roberts & Petty, Kirk Family Funeral Home, Davis Morris Funeral Home, Blaylock Funeral Home, Citizens National Bank, Draco’s Janitorial & Auto Detailing, Inc. , Sterling Monument, Heartland Funeral Home, Steves’ Market & Deli, Reed Memorial and KOXE/KBWD.

Special thanks to the
City of Brownwood and the City of Early!

If you would like to help Greenleaf Cemetery with a financial donation, please do so in one of the following ways:

Make checks payable to Greenleaf Cemetery.

Mail your check to

Greenleaf Cemetery    

P.O.Box 455    

Brownwood, Texas   76804-0455

Or donations by credit card can be made by calling our office at (325) 646 6919.

Highway 377 South Cemetery Gate.
Joyce Fisher Nativity.
Solar Illuminated Headstones.
Center Street Cemetery Gate.
Center Street facing Greenleaf Cemetery.